In 1984, Winston has to face rats when he goes to Room 101 because he fears them more than anything. What would be in your Room 101? (David's topic)
In the first semester I wrote a blogpost "A short, but scary story of my life" where I told about one case in my life when I was only 6 years old. It was a story about me and huge dog which began running towards me at the moment I got had got away from my parents. It was really one of the scariest case in my life. I even haven't got a clue how I didn't become a stutterer after that. Since then, I have been afraid of big dogs. I become anxious when hear a barking dog close to me.
Therefore, it isn't a secret that in my Room 101 I would meet big, barking dogs with crazy eyes, who would try to bite me.
When I see the pictures below I begin understanding fears of all prisoners in "1984" to go to the Room 101.
I remember your story about the dog! It makes sense that dogs would be in your Room 101. Hopefully they won't look like that dog in your second photo. As I told another student, when I had to write about my Room 101 for a writing assignment in high school, I wrote about going to the dentist. I still don't like the dentist, but my phobia is not as strong as it used to be after more experiences facing my fear.