суббота, 6 апреля 2013 г.

#10.Reserve-officer Training Department

For boys: are you going to go to reserve-officer training department (a class which gives you the knowledge of soldiery and which is similar to army) next year? Why? Why not?  (Tim's topic)

In short, I'm going to go to reserve-officer training department. It was a tricky question for me during March. I thought whether it would be useful for me except I got an opportunity not to go to the Army after graduation. Really, the reserve-officer training department has some big disadvantages:
First of all, it is one more day I have to pay for activity I'm not going to do in the future.
Secondly, as I understand, I won't be able to do my homework during lectures in the training department. But even if I have that opportunity, it wouldn't be convenient to learn efficiently because of many distraction factors. Therefore, I expect my grades won't be much better than I have now. 

Thirdly, I will have to be in the training department (T.D.) at 8.45 a.m. one day every week. It means my day will begin at 6 a.m. because of too much time to go to the T.D.  from my dormitory - approximately 1.5 to 2 hours. 
However, the reserve-officer training department has some important advantages.
Firstly, having finished it, I won't be go to the Army and will have the rank of Lieutenant. Some people can say  that they will find a method for not to go to the Army because of bribe to an official or medical conclusion that will confirm they are unfit for the army. However, I'm not sure I will have that opportunity. Therefore, know I see only way to avoid military service. 

Secondly, I will get some knowledge about soldiery and army at all. I think it is very important for every man to be aware of this. 
For one more point, I will get a second profession "Military economist" that isn't bad because we never know what will be tomorrow and sometimes extra skills are very useful in our life.
As you can see, despite the fact that there are some disadvantages to go to the training department, there are the same quantity of advantages at the same time. Moreover, the advantages are more important for me. Therefore, now I prepare myself  to enter
reserve-officer training department by doing exercises on the horizontal bar and running.

1 комментарий:

  1. For me the advantages and disadvantages of T.D. are quite the same. However, I've made a different choice then you have. This is because I can't go to the army ot T.D. because of some health problems I have (asthma). So, now I'm trying to declare it at (I mean, to write it in medical documents and documents related to army).

    By the way, it seems to me that there's one more disadvanteage of T.D. you haven't mentioned. This is that there's a risk that you'll have to go to some military camps evevry summer for about 3 months every year that you study at bachelor programme. This is just a risk, and no laws have been adopted yet, but still there some hearings about it, and I saw a several titles about it (i.e. this one http://radiovesti.ru/article/show/article_id/79512). Hopefully, this law won't be adopted, but still you should know about it.
