понедельник, 24 сентября 2012 г.

Krasnoyarsk Summer School

The longer I live, the more I understand that the main memoirs in our life connected with places that changed us for the better. I'm not an exception.

The place I'd like to tell about is Krasnoyarsk Summer School (In Russian: КЛШ ). Klsh was established in 1976 and since then it go every year. Every year KSS unifies the 250 cleverest and talanted students especially from Krasnoyarsk region and others Russian cities who are interested in different kinds of science. 
KSS has rich traditions, own song-book written by tutors and students, dedicated lectors who go there and teach students every year not getting money for it...It's so difficult for me to tell you all what I want to tell because a picture paints a thousand words. However, I'll try to descript this place and explain why it is very important for me.
KSS is a place without defined goals. For the first view, it can be strange for people who have never been there. But it is just a first view because everyone can define goals by himself.
There are four scientists areas where students learn Biology,Maths,Physics, Economics and others. It is a great chance to develop yourself! You may attend many lectures told by professional lecturers from leading Russian and American universities.
In addition to these facts, there are many studio and concerts where everyone can show his talents. It is a mini-country with own laws, traditions and people. Moreover, KSS includes special days  devoted to scientists areas. There are many entertainments on these days!
I first went to the KSS when I was 17 years old. The first impression was very friendly atmosphere: tutors and students song, played on the guitars, shouted chants. I was shown that all students should work as a team and what a great thing to do it!
KSS's motto is :"Every day, every hour, whole life - make yourself better". It became my life motto as well as Krasnoyarsk Summer School became my favourite place.

It was just a descriprive part of KSS so I really like to continue my telling about it in my next blogs!

1 комментарий:

  1. KSS sounds like a great experience. Did you go for the whole summer? I went to something kind of similar in the U.S. when I was in junior high and high school, but it was only for two weeks each summer, and it wasn't focused specifically on the sciences. It was held on a college campus. We stayed in the dorms and took classes like you might take in college. I also had a lot of fun!
