понедельник, 25 февраля 2013 г.

#5. My theater experience

Have you ever performed in a play? Are you a good actor? Write about your theater experience. (Tim Volozh's topic)

When I read Tim's blog topics, there were no doubts for me to write about my theater experience, especially about event when I performed a play.

At the beginning, I'd like to say that until the 10th grade I wasn't fond of play as an actor. However, during the 11th grade I "fell in love" with poetry (I wrote about this in the topic #2), and then it became interesting to me to play as an actor one day. There wasn't hard to do it, though.
Firstly, I became read poetry on stage at school and did it for many holidays. I was very happy to do it! I was always attracted moments when all auditorium look at you, hear to you, and then applause to you. 
Unfortunately, having finished school, I don't have any opportunities to read poetry on stage, but sometimes me and my friends organize "poetry reading" on weekends in the dormitory (Recently, there was a "poetry reading" devoted to Eduard Asadov's poetry). In these moments, I feel myself happy. 

What about my real theater experience, I had it in the Krasnoyarsk Summer School. There was a final concert which was devoted to closing of the season-2012. As you possibly know, I worked at the KSS as a tutor. That day, all tutors had to prepare some mini-scenes for the concert.  Me and my colleagues were full of ideas for mini-scenes, but finally we decided to show the auditorium two comedy scenes. The first was a funny story about love triangle in which participants showed the love to each other by dancing (Unfortunately, I still haven't had a video or any photos from our performance, but if I get it, I will certainly update this post). The second one was about a real life of tutors at the KSS. On the photo below you can see the final moment of this mini-scene. Ah look at people around me and my colleagues - they are all happy! And we are happy,too!

1 комментарий:

  1. I love poetry as well. However, I don't read it on stage, and I prefer reading it for myself. Still, I once had an experience of reading on stage. It was 7 years ago when I was in 5th grade. I was reading some small childish humouristic rhyme. However, everyone in school liked it so that I even managed to take part in Moscow poetry competition. Imagine how awkward I felt when I saw kids of my age who managed to learn pages of difficult pages by hard! They read it for five minutes or even more, while my hilarious rhyme leasted for about 30 seconds. You can look at this rhyme by Tim Sobakin here: http://www.ironicpoetry.ru/autors/sobakin-tim/rodina.html (I managed to find it in Russian only)
    Funnily enough, I managed to take the 4th place in this Moscow competition! I was really amazed and happy! This happy experience was my only experience of reading poems on stage.

    P.S. Cool photos of your theater performance! I can see you had much fun performing these mini-scenes)
