To begin this topic, I'd like to say that all kinds of literature have always played a big role in my life. Since I was young, it was hard to imagine me without book in my hand. I liked to read them in all places I was. However, during my childhood I have never thought about what I like more: poetry or prose. I would say that I liked to read all what was interesting to me.
During the school years until 11th grade I preferred reading only prose, not poetry because our teacher required us to learn poems by heart, which was very difficult for me and I tried to avoid it. However, I tried to be a diligent student at the same time, so I couldn't say "I'd prefer not to learn it by heart", as Bartleby, the Scrivener often said to his chief :). Nevertheless, I didn't like read poetry because it associated me that I "had to" do it, not "wanted" to do.
However, at the 11th grade my preferences have changed rapidly. Because of too long preparations to economic competition, I became exhausted. It was a kind of apathy. I didn't like learn other school subjects except Economic, but later I was tired from Economics, too. At the same time I hadn't much time to read complicated books because of the same reasons. I realized that I ought to pay attention to other activities so that to relax, but I didn't know what to do. It was a big problem for me.
However, one day my friend Maria adviced me to read a poem "There aren't uninteresting people in the world" by Yevgeny Yevtushenko. I was impressed. Besides the fact that it was the poem with deep sense, I realized that I was distracted from my daily routine through reading this poem. Moreover, I decided to learn it by heart...For some people it could be nonsense, but my productivity of learning Economics and other subjects increased harshly. I continued read poems more and learn by heart those which I very liked. It was like an interesting experiment on my own and I couldn't stop. I even has a specific goal: learn 1 poem every day. It was amazing. Despite the fact that this way I distracted from my daily routine, my memory skills became better every day. As a result, during about 90 days I learned by heart approximately 60 poems by different poets. Basically, it were poems by Eduard Asadov, Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Michael Lermontov, Vladimir Vysotsky, and, of course, Vladimir Mayakovsky. After that, I began to read it by heart to my Literature teacher. She was really glad about it. So I did, because after long time I began doing it with real pleasure. Then I read poetry on different events such as school-leaving party and "The Evening" club in the Krasnoyarsk Summer School. It is worth saying that I was happy those moments. I realized that each person can find different kinds of activity, which would distract him or her from daily routine.
As you can see, it was a specific answer to question "What I like more: poetry or prose?", but when I read this theme of blog, I right away thought about this passage of my life.
Unfortunately, now I don't have much time to learn poems by heart, but I continue reading them so that to distract from many homework assignments. As for prose, it is worth saying that I try to read it, too. Moreover, now I have an English class that is called "Introduction to Literature", so I'll have a great opportunity to read prose in English, too. It is very interesting and I like our reading assignments. In this way, if you ask me now a question about what I prefer more: poetry or prose, I'd say that I like them equally. However, it is worth saying that my preferences tend to be change in some specific moments of my life.
P.S. Irina, thank you for the great blog topic suggestion!