понедельник, 10 декабря 2012 г.

A critique of my argumentative essay

Write a critique of your argumentative essay. What is the best
thing about it? What are the essay’s weaknesses? How can you
improve your essay? How is this essay different than essays you
wrote earlier in the semester?

Having finished peer review on the previuos lesson, I saw that my classmates had given me some useful critique of my essay:
The first problem is bad word choices. Sometimes I don't know how to express the meaning of Russian words in English, so I use a Russian to English translator that sometimes doesn't suggest appropriate words' form for the context. To avoid this problem, I should pay more attention when choosing the form of word and try to find text or sentences with similar context which have the words I want to use in my text, and then try to correlate them.

The next problem is grammar mistakes. When I have some ideas which I can use in my essay, I try to write them as  fast as I can so that to not remember. As a consequence, I do a lot of gramma mistakes, for example, miss article. To avoid these mistakes, I should read essay out loud after finishing. The best way would be to print it, and then correct it with a pan.   (It is worth saying that I was surpised to see that David suggested us the same ways for checking essays in his new blog post).

Thirdly, sometimes I do mistakes in organisation of body paragraphs. Sometimes I can write a concluding sentence which brings new idea to my essay while I just only have to conclude a paragraph.  Also, some of my body paragraphs don't contain information that is essential for support my ideas. To avoid this problem I should pay more attention and time for body paragraphs' organisation.

I think the best critique was about my second body paragraph where the Nadezhda's comment helped me to notice that my argument doesn't help to understand why the Russia's government should change its economic policy with regard to political protection to companies. I will try to do some changes of this body paragraph in my second draft to make my idea more clear.

If I effectively use the ways of avoiding weaknesses in my essay, I will improve it.

Differences between this essay and others essay I wrote earlier:
In comparison with other essays I wrote in the semester, an argumentative one is longer than others and, of course, more complicated because of searching the source and form them according to the rules. 
However, I liked the argumentative essay more than previous essays because in this essay I had to do a research like a real economist.

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