понедельник, 18 марта 2013 г.

Topics for blog #9

1. The question for both men and women: what is more important for you in a love affair with a girl/man: his or her pretty appearance or inner world? Can you date with a girl or man who has beautiful appearance, but poor inner world or on the contrary?
2. Is it important for you to have the same or approximately the same financial position as your girlfriend/boyfriend has? Do you think that boyfriend should always pay off the girl, for example, in a restauraunt ot other places? Or should they share their payments?
3. How often do you leave a seat in the metro or other transport for old people? How do you think should men always leave a seat for women who are the same ages as men, or even for all women?

#8.My preparing to do homework (Ivan Mozharov's topic)

How much time do you usually spend on preparing to do your homework?(I mean drinking tea, sitting in social networks, watching tv etc.) And what you usually do?

I can swear that question is very actual for all HSE-NES. Really, we have a lot of homework and, therefore, deadlines. Because of this, it is very important to organize your time well to do all your assignments up in time. Nevertheless, despite the fact that almost all people understand their need to do their homework, it is hard for them to begin doing it. I'm not an exception. Sometimes I upset the fact that I waste my time by not only sitting in the social networks or drinking too much tea and watching tv, but also speaking with my roommates about something, joke and laugh with them. Really, it is very interesting to me to talk with them because we study in different faculties: my first roommate from the Law faculty, the second from the Cultural and our conversations are not only about daily routine such as deadlines or marks, but also about theater, sport, music, history, languages, philosophy, and others. However, in some situations that conversations are not essential, but I can't do anything with that. In this way, my preparation to do homework sometimes is really too long: for example, if I come dormitory at 3 p.m., it is good for me to begin doing my homework assignments at 5 or 6 p.m. It isn't so good because I sacrifice my sleeping time.
Anyway, I think much about this problem and try to solve it. Therefore, I defined some principles I should lead if I don't want waste my time. Firstly, I try not to enter to the VK.COM by checking my post in Mail.ru: If I don't have any important letters, I don't enter to the vk. Secondly, if I have a deadline or simply too much homework that is concentrated on reading, I attend a library or a special room in my dormitory that is called "botanka". Thirdly, if I notice that I waste my time, I invent some physical exercise strict for me such as standing on the fist or push-ups or exercises on a horizontal bar. The third way of organizing my time I began to use recently and I think it is the most effective one because it helps me to organize my time and get physical development at the same time. 

понедельник, 11 марта 2013 г.

#7. Flowers as a way to express your feelings (Irina's topic)

At the beginning I'd like to thank Irina for the great blog topic suggestion. Actually, I have recently thought about flowers as a way to express my feelings and, in general, the role of flowers in women's life. 
Firstly, I think that flowers are a great way to express our feelings. As I mentioned, recently I have thought about this "function" of flowers. Moreover, I asked my friends from the opposite gender whether flowers are pleasant for them. To be exact, they said to me, “There are not any doubts that flowers are very convenient and good present if you want to express your feelings. Moreover, don't worry girls will be tired flowers. They like it all the time”. In addition, I want to say that because of flowers fast fade, they don't stay too long, so the girls don't have time to get tired with them.
Secondly, I want to tell about cases in my life when I presented flowers without any cause.
When I live at home, I often presented flowers to my mother. It was unbelievable pleasantly for me to see her very happy because she never expected to get flowers from me. As for me, I was happy to glad her, too. The second case I remember very well because it was in the dormitory. I and my roommates often meet with our friends from the opposite gender - Maria, Liza, and Veronica. We often attend theatre performances together; invite each other for the dinner and others. I can say we are in very good friend relationships. One sunny day I was in beautiful mood and suddenly decided to make a surprise for them. There wasn't any time to make something complex (even a dinner), and I realized that the best idea would be to present them bouquets of flowers. When I bought them and knocked to girls' flat, you had to see their faces. It seemed to me that they didn't believe their eyes. Then I said to them, “There isn't any cause to this present, I just want to say that I very appreciate our relationships and I'm very glad to have you in my life”. They were very happy because they didn't expect such a surprise. Moreover, it was very pleasantly to me to see their face with smile and amazed eyes. 
Do surprises without any cause is one of the most beautiful in our life, especially for people who play a big role in your life. No matter what the surprises are: dinner, tickets to the great theatre performances, or only flowers bouquets. 

понедельник, 4 марта 2013 г.

#6 I appreciate in people... (free choice)

I have chosen David's topic #3 which is a "free choice". It is worth saying that I was glad to see the opportunity to write a blog for a free choice theme because while reading topics for the previous blog I liked Maria's theme #3 "What's the most important for you in people's character? Which trades of character a person should have that you'll like him or her?", so now I'd like to talk about this theme.

First of all, I like sincerity. Sincere people, in my opinion, are seldom "find" in our life because by saying "sincerity" I mean not only people who always say to interlocutor what they really think, but also people who can share joy and sorrow of him or her interlocutor, and who communicate with interlocutor to get pleasure, not to get potential benefit from that person. 
To say more, I like smiled people. I think that smile sometimes shows us optimistic trait of people's character. Moreover, smile on people's face, always attract me because I realize that smiled people are more opened for communication. Girls, especially. As Dale Carnegie said, "The expression a woman wears on her face is far more important than the clothes she wears on her back." I am  absolutely agree with him.
Thirdly, I appreciate people's willpower. It can be expressed by willing to self-development or lack of laziness to do things not only for him-or her, but also for others people. For example, friend, relatives, or others.  Moreover, the willpower can be expressed by leading to goals and accomplish them. I do really like to talk with people with strong willpower because I begin trying to be similar to them in this skill. By communicating  with people with strong willpower, I can train this skill, too. 
Fourthly, I like people's calm. I don't like people who often fall in panic whet they face with some difficulties. Especially, when these difficulties are temporary and not important.
In conclusion, I'd like to say that I told only about the most important traits of people's character for me. There are many traits that I appreciate, too, but they aren't as important as those I told above. However, if people have these traits I told, it would be easier to me to communicate with them.